Saturday, May 28, 2011

Growing Season

We are in the kid-growing season around here, and plants sometimes find our home to be a difficult place to survive, but this week the girls and I were proud to discover a red tomato on our plant in the backyard. Apparently, pride can even make a kid's otherwise stubborn tastebuds find pleasure in a homegrown tomato!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Daddy and His Girl

Abby & Daddy have gone to a few of the Saturday morning Home Depot workshops lately. Here's Abby in her apron before the last one. She looks so grown up to me!

Lately, she has really become interested in time. This morning she had put on her apron and then asked more than a few times what time it was.

We found her by the front door waiting for Daddy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Toothless in the Park

Last night when I was putting Katie to bed, she heard a siren and said, "Fire truck? Fire truck?" Then, she said, "pray?" so we prayed for the person who needed help. It was an encouraging end to a pretty tough Mother's Day. Little did Katie or I know that a fire truck and ambulance were coming to help her today!

While playing at the park, Katie slipped off her little step while looking at the "duckies" and fell today. Because of the amount of blood and screaming, and out of caution, our sitter called EMS. So, both a fire truck and EMS arrived full of six nice men who officially diagnosed Katie as front-toothless! She lost both of her top two front teeth! Ugh. It makes me so sick. But I am counting my blessings that she was not otherwise injured.

Here are a few videos of Katie narrating her incident... after the initial shock wore off, she became mostly obsessed with the "mess" in her mouth and kept asking for wipees! When she discovered the blood on her shirt, she said "eeeww! clean shirt! cow poopoo!" There was cow manure used as fertilizer recently at the park, which I explained to the girls... it always amazes me that they really listen and file away somewhere everything we say! You can also hear her saying, "look at duckies", which was the last thing she remembers before the big "fall". She also told me on the way home that her teeth "go away"... "to park"

When we got home, on the first time she put her paci in her mouth, she immediately removed it and said "teeth! teeth!" Jake was slightly disappointed that she quickly adjusted and found a way to maintain her relationship with the dreaded paci.

Mimi and Popop came to the rescue, as usual! However, the rescue vehicle got a little stuck... ask Mimi! It's confidential. I could tell you, but then I would have to... you know.

One of the lost teeth was found, root and all. But, even after the EMS and fire fighters and kind strangers at the park searched, the other missing tooth never was discovered. So, after school, Abby asked to return to the park to the "scene of the crime" to continue looking for Katie's tooth. It would have been a great story if she had actually found it.

Abby will be sad that the tooth fairy will visit her LITTLE sister tonight before her first tooth even gets loose! Then again, tooth fairy should not go overboard or Abby might come up with a way to lose a tooth real fast! :-)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Abby's 4th Birthday!

The hills at Landa Library were alive with the sound of Abby's 4th Birthday this weekend! We celebrated with some of Abby's favorite things...

her friends,

her family,

a new doll named "Kit"

"white dresses with blue satin sashes",

and brown paper packages tied up with string,

Despite the fact that there were no "snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes", we did have mild weather for late May, and we are thankful for that! It was a blessed day in every way! Abby drank it all in, and enjoyed every minute of it! We are thankful~