1. She is showing signs of being part of a highly skilled multi-taking generation...she was talking to Popop on this particular ocassion.
2. Abby is an intense backseat driver... she narrates car trips with her very vocal approval or disapproval of every move and turn we make. She also says "way, way, way" very intensely while pointing, by which she clearly means to direct us in the way we should go.
3. Lately, she has been pointing at HEB when we drive by & whining (& sometimes even crying) "ABC, ABC, ABC"... I finally figured out that "ABC" means "HEB"
4. Another favorite to scream out is "Way Way"... means Pei Wei
5. Mimi bought her a new shirt that says "Be Happy"... when you tell her you like her shirt, she says "HAPPY!"... we are working on ABC's, so one day I asked her where is the "A" (meaning the "A" on her shirt) & she said "in kitchen"... on the fridge is a leapfrog Fridge Phonics with all of the letters, including a very real & tangible "A"... so, literally, "A" is in the kitchen
6. Abby loves the kid's Cliff bars we buy at Costco to keep on hand for snacks on the go. Since the peanut butter recall, they have been suspended from the store shelves, so she keeps going to the cabinet where we usually keep them & saying "bar, bar, bar". When I tell her we are all out, she says "Costco", as if to remind me we need to make a trip to restock.
7. She has a crush on a younger man... who doesn't give her the time of day...
8. She is in desperate need of a hair cut, so we finally got out the door this morning with a kids salon as our destination, forgetting it is Monday. When we arrived and found it closed, I spotted a kids art studio nearby & we walked in to check it out. Before I could say a word one of the employees has slipped a smock on Abby and handed her a paint brush... no doubt, there was no turning back at that point. So we stayed & really enjoyed ourselves. Abby made some really pretty artwork for our walls! Unfortunately, the temper tantrum leaving the studio... and driving home... and eating lunch... and changing diaper for naptime was not so pretty!
9. Here she had asked to get back in bed for "sleepytime" with Baby... then proceeded to point at all of her other friends and ask for me to drop them in with her for naptime. Turned out she was just pulling my leg... big surprise!
10. A few weeks ago, she overheard a friend call me by name, so now she does too, especially when she doesn't get the desired response from saying "Mama" 200 times first... ughhh... I actually caught myself saying to her once last week "stop saying my name"...
11. Sharing is not her strong suit... at least, not yet...