Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blankie Washing - The Sequel

Does this look familiar? It's half past bedtime around our house and blankies are being tossed 'round and 'round in the dryer for an eager audience. I did not catch on camera the part where eagerness turned into anxious and impatient... but it did eventually happen. Katie is just as hooked on her blankie and paci as her big sister has ever been. She is also a very cute blankie/paci patrolman. If she sees Abby's blankie laying around unattended, she picks it up and takes it to her. Very sweet. Here is the clip of Katie's first experience waiting on her precious blankie to dry...

Just li

Monday, August 23, 2010

Preschool Rap Session

More often than not, Abby's mouth is moving. If she is not telling us wild and crazy made-up stories or giving instructions, then she is singing songs constantly. Many of her songs she makes up as she goes...often I can recognize a tune or some lyrics extracted from another song... Here is a clip of her songwriting talent on display over dinner tonight.