Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Popop x2

By now, it is well established that Abby has dubbed my Dad "Popop". However, it is not so clear what name she has chosen for my Mom. Abby's failure to coin an official "Grandma" name for her is not evidence that she loves her less... rather, it is clear that Abby "gets" Grandma & knows just how to dish out Grandma's kinds of fun & games... this series of video clips makes it clear that Abby is having a ball giving Grandma a hard time, not struggling to remember her name!


  1. Laughed so hard I had tears running down my face...

    Great video.

    PopPop... the real one!!

  2. i had tears too....and i had to watch it again. sure are precious.

  3. She can call me anything she wants to!

    Love, Pop Pop II

    What was she drinking for lunch in three cups?

  4. Love the little troublemaker looks on her face and that laugh!!!

  5. Oh, that was soooooo funny!!! That chuckle is the BEST! Ryan is calling Rod's dad...Pop Pop. And, no Grandma doesn't have a name yet either. Love that sweet girl!!!!

    Hope you're feeling well!!!!

  6. OH MY GOSH! That was THE cutest thing I have seen in a long time. I laughed out loud and then showed it to Brian and we both laughed out loud. I had to pause it at one point cuz I was laughing so hard and I didnt want to miss it. Oh, that was good. She reminds me of Matthew! That giggle...they need to play together! They will two peas in a pod I can tell! :) Pop Pop, you must feel pretty special! :)

  7. Abby knows how to play the game... she will run to Martha if I try to hug her first... she loves to tease.

    I do Luv that girl.

  8. O that is soooooo funny and fun and precious.
    Silly Abby. This is just going to make that day that she does say her grandma's name all the special.
    This is one blog to go to when one is feeling down. It for sure makes you laugh or smile REAL big.
