Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Saturday Morning Bliss

As a stranger to the blogging world lately, I will probably have to ease back in slowly... so here's a few clips of one of my favorite Saturday mornings lately without too much editorial. It amazes me how much joy resides inside my little girl & oozes out all the time, especially at the sound of music. In the first clip of this video, we were window shopping in the Quarry, where they were playing Christmas music, and the music carried Abby away. It's hard not to smile while watching her.


  1. She make me laugh...

  2. Marmie would be so proud--an accomplished shopper.

  3. Wow. What happened to Abby? She is changing so much! This video made me die laughing, I'm going to need to watch it a few more times. I also love hearing the Grays laugh in the background at their hilarious daughter.

    I apparently have an imbedded webcam on my new computer. Can little gray and I talk to eachother when she's at the Popops?

  4. i think she should be able to have eggs. hahaha. sorry but i love the scream at the end. KIM!! you can video chat with me!

  5. Mel, if we video chat, will you challenge me to a game of "hi!!"? Will you repeat every word I say? If so, then I guess I'll agree to video chatting with you. :)

  6. Abby will be at Popop's (x2) house tonight, so maybe you can try your first chat... sounds fun! Can't wait to SEE you HERE in PERSON though! 2 weeks!

  7. i watched again for the hmmm 4th time??
    1. i love the scream at the music.
    2. i love the head sway
    3. i love the march dance
    4. i love the run towards the parking lot while screaming.....wonder why mom stopped filming?
    5. so, did yall buy everything she picked out or did you run and leave the cart?
    6. i agree with is fun to hear her mom and dad laughing!

  8. Abby you are soooooooooo funny. Where are you all shopping. I love the little cart. Shopper in training!!!
