Baby & I traveled in style in Boston.
And learned to eat breakfast on the go... cheerios in one hand & milk in the other.
But when Dad's back needed a break, I was cool in my stroller...I go with the flow you know.
Baby & I got to meet Bert Jacobs at the Life is good festival (he is one of the brothers who founded the company). You might not see Baby, cuz she got squeezed down. Mom & Dad need to do a better job at looking out for the little people.
See, I make sure Baby can see everything goin' on.
Mom said we were in Boston, but it felt just as hot & humid as San Antonio.
Mom & Dad brought this stroller, but I still had to push it! Geez!
Everywhere, people were having fun at the festival.
I made new friends. But I did some background checks before pursuing any new relationships... "What's your name & where are you from?"
"OK, you're cool... I'll share!"
Baby & me just walking down Newbury Street in Boston... lots going on! Why do Mom & Dad keep bringing this stupid stroller?
The kids from the Newbury Street Daycare briefed me on all the cool sites I had to see in Boston. I told them all about San Antonio & invited them to come visit.
This is how we nap on vacation.
Look at my bread bracelet... I designed it all by myself!
Here Dad & I taking a tour of the Sam Adams brewery... no worries, I had only milk!
Eating PB&J with knife & fork...people in Boston are kinda uptight!
But, no worries, I showed 'em...even with the knife & fork, I still got PB&J on me, the table, the booth & Dad. In fact, there's probably still traces of my PB&J sandwich on that table. How cool is that?
But Dad wasn't too cool with the PB&J all over the place...he tried to clean me up... Mom, help, he's wigging me out!
We got out of Boston & checked out Cape Ann. At first, I was not sure I would like the ocean...
Oh, but I do!
The sand was a great place to practice standing.
I came up with this new face while we were on our trip... it is accompanied by sound that goes like this "ooooooohhhhh"... We brought only a few books on the trip, & one of them was Dr. Suess's "Foot Book". Mom read it so many times that I finally starting copying her... she says "sloooooooooooow feeeeeeeeeeet, QUICK FEET!"... so now I do too... all day long!
On our last night of the trip, I thought this pier in Newburyport would be a perfect place to finally walk for real... & it would be a great finale to a great week...let's see how it goes...
Yes, so far it seems to be going well...
Wahoo! I think I've got it!
Bye, Mom & Dad!
I don't think Mom & Dad can keep up...I don't hear 'em behind me anymore.
Yes, I've rounded the corner & lost 'em.
Celebration dance on the pier...everyone, "shake it, baby, shake it!"
What a fun week we had!
Well, Abby was kind of long-winded... it seems the trip made quite an impact on her. Anyway, she failed to mention only one thing, probably because it embarassed her so much... it was the true finale to our trip. When boarding the last flight on the return trip, while balancing Abby in one arm & wearing two different backpacks & dangling other miscellaneous bags from my hands, I was holding a half-empty cup of milk from Starbucks for Abby to finish on the plane... we had been holding up traffic in the boarding process for far too long as we tried to install the carseat & stow all of our stuff, so I was kind of self-conscious at this point... just as I was scooting into our aisle to take a load off & get out of the spotlight, one of the backpacks swung around & crashed into by elbow, sending the cup of milk FLYING UP into the air with milk landing on Abby, me & several unfortunate passengers & dripping down into all kinds of nooks & crannies in the seats & floor... oh my goodness, talk about embarrassing! Perhaps the first of many moments when Mom will embarrass her girl. Thankfully, we were not on Southwest Airlines~ The first thing Grandma said when she held Abby at the airport was that she smelled like sour milk & did Abby spit up on herself??? If only...
Those pics are all so so fun and what a great trip! Good for you guys for taking it with her, what great memories! She is just so cute!
ReplyDeletehands most favorite post of all!!!! I read everything and LOVED it all!!! Those pictures captured her so perfectly.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I have to say...she's looking like Melissa now.
Oh, and I can't believe you made her push her own stroller.
P.S. sorry about the milk.
Looks like you all had a great time on the trip (except for the "flying milk" incident). I loved seeing all of the pics! Abby has such an outgoing personality!