Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yankee Doodle Went to... Spain

Apparently, Yankee Doodle Went to... Spain before landing in the British colonies. According to Abby, Yankee Doodle "stuck a feather in his hat and called it "Mockamole" (aka "Guacamole")"! Where else would good old Yankee Doodle have learned about the wonders of "Mockamole"?

And here are a few Abby-isms of late that I have been jotting down to remember...

1. A few nights ago during our Mommy / daughter pre-sleepytime cuddle routine in the rocking chair, I told her "don't you ever leave me; Mommy would cry; Mommy loves you so much." The very next morning, she surprised me by repeating the whole conversation... "don't leave me; Mommy fry (with a very sad tone and face)". Talk about pulling my heartstrings...

2. She regularly announces "here I am" when she enters a room and "Abby found you" when she comes upon you by surprise.

3. She also regularly orders others, especially those younger than herself, to "stop it"... poor Katie!

4. At Sunday lunch after church, she announced at the table as she stuffed napkins down the front of her shirt, "Abby making boobies"... we nearly fell out of our chairs laughing in total shock that our baby girl came up with that one!

5. Tonight she wanted to stay home and continue watching videos on all of our friends' blogs instead of going to "ABC" with Mommy. So I asked her, "if we don't go to HEB, what will we eat for dinner?" She said very simply "pancakes"... point taken.

6. Yesterday, I took her shopping for her to pick out a present for her Baby Sister that she can give her at their first meeting. She picked out a soft cuddly bunny and is super excited about bringing it to her at the "hosipitable" when she "comes out" of Mommy's tummy.

7. While we were shopping for Baby Katie's present, Abby became infatuated with a new baby doll. When I asked her the baby's name, for the first time ever, she actually responded with a name other than "baby" or "baby doll"... to my surprise, she said "Cindy". Now, she does not have any friends her age named Cindy, so we can only imagine that she got the name from our good family friend, Cindy K... Mimi said they ran into Cindy at the store last week & Abby proceeded to repeat the name "Cindy" over and over as they shopped. Cindy apparently made a good impression... Anyway, since this baby had already been named, I yielded to the temptation to buy Abby yet another baby... so this very different little doll, with pink highlights in her dark hair and sparkly gold shoes, came home with us to meet the half dozen or so less fortunate dolls who seem to be stuck answering to the name "baby" for the rest of their lives.

8. Abby randomly spouts out without any prompting "I have a banjo on my knee".

9. My favorite story of all... tonight after I prayed with her at bedtime, she said "I want to pray". So we bowed our heads again, and after a long pause, she said "Dear God... Amen." I hugged her very excitedly and told her that God loves her and loves to hear her talk to him... and that her prayer made Mommy very happy. She immediately responded by saying that she wanted to tell Daddy. So when we called Daddy on the phone to tell him, she said the prayer again. So humbling to think of the seeds planted in her young heart even now. It is my most earnest prayer that she does soon begin "to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that she may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God" [Eph. 3:18-19]


  1. I can't wait to get some dance lessons from ms. mockamole.

  2. I can't wait to get some dance lessons from ms. mockamole.

  3. She is so smart and precious. Aaron and I love to watch her grow up via the blog. It seems you are one of the few blogging families with a toddler and another on the way - it will be nice to have something real to read when that time comes. Thank you for sharing!!

  4. She is so smart and precious. Aaron and I love to watch her grow up via the blog. It seems you are one of the few blogging families with a toddler and another on the way - it will be nice to have something real to read when that time comes. Thank you for sharing!!

  5. I'm so glad you wrote those down!!! She's a scream! I want to be around her all the time. I'm serious.

    thanks for the big smile i have on my face this morning! Fun read!

  6. I'm so glad you wrote those down!!! She's a scream! I want to be around her all the time. I'm serious.

    thanks for the big smile i have on my face this morning! Fun read!

  7. I've been praying since she was born that Abby would love that Lord as much as her parents. It certainly sounds as if this prayer is being answered. You have an incredibly special little girl/can't wait to she you all in July!!!

  8. I've been praying since she was born that Abby would love that Lord as much as her parents. It certainly sounds as if this prayer is being answered. You have an incredibly special little girl/can't wait to she you all in July!!!

  9. I sure needed my Abby fix. She's changed so much just in the 8 days I've been gone. Like Jessica, I have a smile on my face after watching her dance. (This is Mimi on Melissa's computer, by the way).

  10. I sure needed my Abby fix. She's changed so much just in the 8 days I've been gone. Like Jessica, I have a smile on my face after watching her dance. (This is Mimi on Melissa's computer, by the way).

  11. Hi Mimi.

    I think there will be plenty of Abby "fixes" in the next few weeks... :-)

  12. Hi Mimi.

    I think there will be plenty of Abby "fixes" in the next few weeks... :-)
