Monday, August 31, 2009

Starting the Week Off Right

Well, Abby kicked the week off with a bang. While I was busy with Katie at different times today, she came up with two new mischievous adventures...

scooted Katie's cradle into our bathroom and then used the side of the tub as a stool to climb in... she even squeezed herself into the sleep positioner

unpacking a present we just received in the mail


  1. She is a hoot!!!! I love it! I'm sure it's not as funny being the mom, but my goodness, this girl is smart! Love her adventurous soul!

    let's get the two together soon!

  2. She is a hoot!!!! I love it! I'm sure it's not as funny being the mom, but my goodness, this girl is smart! Love her adventurous soul!

    let's get the two together soon!

  3. oh abby. you make me laugh! i love how she always has a baby with her. we got that same present ... not ONE packing peanut fell out of the box. SUCCESS! i'll enjoy opening packages alone for the time being .. then hopefully i will be as awesome as you and capture the moment before cleaning. :)

  4. oh abby. you make me laugh! i love how she always has a baby with her. we got that same present ... not ONE packing peanut fell out of the box. SUCCESS! i'll enjoy opening packages alone for the time being .. then hopefully i will be as awesome as you and capture the moment before cleaning. :)

  5. I hadn't thought about how fun packing peanuts could be to a 2 year old. Great Post.

  6. I hadn't thought about how fun packing peanuts could be to a 2 year old. Great Post.
