Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Windows of Opportunity

It took only one morning for Abby to figure out that the 20 minutes it takes for me to nurse Katie present just the perfect opportunity to open doors, cabinets & drawers that are typically off limits. It's amazing (& scary) how creative little minds can be! So, if you have a #2 on the way, put together a nursing box where you stash some new toys, books, activities that you pull out for your toddler to play with only when you are nursing... anything to keep his/her attention... also, I discovered that nursing in the toddler's room with a gate on the doorway is a great way to make sure that slippery little one does not slide right out of your sight into mischief. To illustrate my point, here are a few stories...

My first morning nursing Katie at home when Jake was in the backyard mowing, I realized it was awfully quiet in the house, so I hollered out to Abby "what are you doing?"

Abby's response: silence

Mommy: again, "what are you doing?"
Abby's response: again, silence

Mommy: "Abby, come see Mommy RIGHT NOW!"
Abby's response: little feet running down the hall...

Mommy: "Abby, what are you doing?"
Abby's response while standing in the doorway to my room: "standing"

Mommy: ughh, "No, what where you doing in the KITCHEN???"
Abby's response: a question instead of an answer (already!)... "what is Katie doing?"

Mommy: "Katie is eating breakfast! What is ABBY doing in the kitchen?"
Abby's response: "Eating dinner"

Mommy: "What are you eating for dinner?" (it is 10:30 am by the way)
Abby's response: "Stuff"

Mommy: ugh, "WHAT stuff?"
Abby's response: (after a long thoughtful pause and with her thoughtful finger in the air) "I go call Jake" "bye-bye Mommy. bye-bye Katie" and then she tears off in a hurry down the hall

So, I was forced to get up from nursing and investigate what "stuff" Abby was eating for "dinner" in the kitchen. Shockingly, I found that she had pushed a chair to the kitchen counter & pulled down a pan of cherry cobbler that Aunt Joyce had made, which she then perched on the windowsill so that she could eat it with her fingers while watching Jake mow the yard... wow! didn't see that one coming...


  1. father's daughter? or pop pop's granddaughter?
    pop pop, you need to teach abby how to pile the whip cream on top.

  2. father's daughter? or pop pop's granddaughter?
    pop pop, you need to teach abby how to pile the whip cream on top.

  3. Oh my goodness, she's a sly little fox. What's Katie doing? hahahahahahahhaha. I love it.

    I LOVE your new banner picture, that is really sweet.

  4. Oh my goodness, she's a sly little fox. What's Katie doing? hahahahahahahhaha. I love it.

    I LOVE your new banner picture, that is really sweet.

  5. Oh my...she is something else! Keep those nursing #2 with a toddler hints coming please! I'm taking notes :)

  6. Oh my...she is something else! Keep those nursing #2 with a toddler hints coming please! I'm taking notes :)

  7. What a little stinker! (of course an adorable little stinker). She's one smart cookie. Sometimes Rod sneaks in our kitchen and starts grubbing right out of the fridge when he thinks i'm not aware.

  8. What a little stinker! (of course an adorable little stinker). She's one smart cookie. Sometimes Rod sneaks in our kitchen and starts grubbing right out of the fridge when he thinks i'm not aware.

  9. abby, can i come eat some "stuff" with you? if you ask me, you are pretty smart.

  10. abby, can i come eat some "stuff" with you? if you ask me, you are pretty smart.
