Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This Mommy is so very exhausted, but Abby is no less animated and cute... here are a few of our latest notable moments:

1. In Abby's 2-yr-old class this year at MDO, they do not sleep in cribs but on mats on the floor. Abby was excited about the new transition, although I am not sure the experience is living up to her expectations. When a kid does not sleep, the teachers just ask them to lay quietly on their mats, probably with the reasonable expectation that if they lay there long enough, they will fall asleep. Not Abby. So far, she has not slept. She lays on her mat for 2 hours with her eyes open. Last week, her teachers said, "she did not sleep, but at least she did not sing this time"... she had laid on her mat singing all of her favorite songs the prior week. Today when I picked her up, they said "no sleep, no singing... but she did decide to take all of her clothes off while all of the other kids were sleeping and we had to explain that it is not ok to take clothes off at school..."

2. Last night she kept saying at dinner that she wanted to go "load up" in Daddy's "silver car"... when she did not get the response she wanted, she started saying she wanted to go "load up" in Mommy's silver car... turns out, she was trying to talk us into going paci shopping.

3. Here is one I forgot from a few weeks ago... I was feeling particularly overwhelmed one day & I slipped up & & said "I'm losing my mind"... for a week Abby walked around saying "losin my mind"

4. Today she saw Cookie Monster on tv & said "Kooshie Monster" ... since her chair at the dinner table is a Kooshie chair.

5. Dorothy & Jeff are coming in the mail! Gone is the Elmo addiction, but replaced with a Wiggles addiction. We have been checking Wiggles DVDs out at the library, but most recently Abby was disappointed when the two we checked out were so banged up that they would not work. So this frugal Mommy finally broke down and purchased one on Ebay. So everyday when she asks to watch Wiggles, I tell her it is coming in the mail. So everyday when the mailman drops mail through the front door, she takes off on a dead run excitedly yelling "Dorothy's here!"... only to be disappointed so far. Cuz this Mommy was too frugal to pay for expedited shipping. Good things come to those who wait.

6. Oh, and Katie laughed for the first time today!


  1. Spoiling aunts like to know about new addictions. Wiggles videos. Noted. Dress up. Noted. I've been singing hot potato for 3 months now.

    What made Katie laugh?

  2. Spoiling aunts like to know about new addictions. Wiggles videos. Noted. Dress up. Noted. I've been singing hot potato for 3 months now.

    What made Katie laugh?

  3. billy has a bunch of yl leaders in our living room right now ... i have the office door open listening.

    i am like a kid trying not to laugh in school when i read about abby in school. too funny.

  4. billy has a bunch of yl leaders in our living room right now ... i have the office door open listening.

    i am like a kid trying not to laugh in school when i read about abby in school. too funny.

  5. I say those teachers are way too strict. What's wrong with sleeping in the nude? And are the new pacies there yet? Maybe I'll "load up" Abby in Mimi's silver car and go find pacies.

  6. I say those teachers are way too strict. What's wrong with sleeping in the nude? And are the new pacies there yet? Maybe I'll "load up" Abby in Mimi's silver car and go find pacies.

  7. I want to see the video of the video arriving... can't wait.

  8. I want to see the video of the video arriving... can't wait.

  9. Sharla, she is a hoot!!!! I seriously could just sit and watch her. So funny about the Wiggles. Do y'all have DVR? They're now on the Noggin channel.

  10. Sharla, she is a hoot!!!! I seriously could just sit and watch her. So funny about the Wiggles. Do y'all have DVR? They're now on the Noggin channel.
