Monday, February 22, 2010

A Rite of Passage

Every little girl must grow up someday... the sad thing is that Abby is growing up. Tonight I felt sad about it more than usual, as I closed the door to her room and left her sleeping in her new BIG GIRL BED! To say that she was excited is an understatement. She was indeed excited. She stood by her Daddy's side the entire time he was setting up the bed, asking questions &, more often, giving instructions. When we ran into Mimi and Aunt Melissa at Costco when we were buying the twin mattress, she yelled at the top of her lungs, "I am getting a big girl bed, Mimi!!!" Well, here is a clip from the first night. It is long, but the cutest stuff is at the beginning... Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. So grown up. Uncle Cott and I watched that together. My favorite part was where she was looking up saying she can dream. What was she trying to get up there?

    I hope she actually gets some sleep in the big girl bed!
