Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The girls are starting to look more like "sisters" to me, rather than a preschooler and a baby... you know, the kind of sisters that knock around together, laugh together, and "occasionally" fight over toys :-). There is little doubt that Abby enjoys being Katie's big sister, as she tells every stranger in every store that happens to make eye contact with her that "this is my little sister", and I overheard her telling Katie recently, "you are so much precious to me". Of course, if this it to remain an honest blog, I must also say that I "occasionally" hear Katie screaming because Abby tries to micromanage her, which interferes with Katie's drive to independently explore her world. And, to put it mildly, Katie knows how to scream! Here's a sample: So, we are having lots of fun around here! Whew!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Katie has changed so much in two weeks!!! Abigail, it's scary how fast you are growing up. Slow it down, girl. :) Beautiful girls.
