Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Somebody Cut All My Hair Off & Put It in a Hole..."

Abby got a hair cut. We did not intend a dramatic change when we walked in the door of the kid-sized salon, but dramatic we got. And spunky. Perfect for Abby. She is so pleased. When Dad got home from work, she reported to him many times with lots of drama that "someone cut all my hair off and put it in a hole!" I'm not sure what hole she saw the stylist put her hair into.... I am not nearly as observant as Abby... perhaps a trash can? I suspect not, since Abby definitely knows the word for trash can... I am betting it is something else... will definitely check it out next time. When she spotted her reflection in a store window yesterday, she turned to Mimi and said, "Mimi, do you like my hair?" This hair cut has been a lot of fun...and good for her sense of adventure and individuality.

Just in case you wondered.... it is Jake walking goofily in the background of this video... he was sneaking up on Katie and playing the "I'm gonna get you game"


  1. ummmm...okay, I am dying to hear this! Soon please!

  2. Eagerly awaiting pictures too!!!

  3. i love your hair abby! you look gorgeous!

  4. Abby, you are a beautiful lady, I love your new hair! Maybe you and AnKim (and maybe Cott) can get on a Skype session soon? I miss you!

  5. Abby, I love your new haircut---you look adorable (but then you always do)!!! I miss you, too!

  6. Who got a haircut? Did someone get a haircut? I didn't notice...

  7. abby really looks like her mommy in these pictures. especially the second one. precious girl.

  8. Love the hair cut and yes Abby has her mommys smile for sure. Abby you are adorable and what a great personality.
