Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Please!

I remember the first time I offered Abby one of the food samples at Costco. It felt like such a landmark on the road from babyhood to childhood. It turns out that the landmark was a spinach nugget. I waited with anticipation to watch her reaction as her face went from unsure & curious to grinning while she downed the nugget. She moved on from spinach to watermelon (Grandma got to witness that one- Costco's sales of melons doubled during our visit), fish, burritos, fajitas, cookies, pretzels, ice cream... you name it! Today she is a sample hound. She knows where the regular sample tables are at our HEB. Even when the sample tables are unmanned and empty of samples, she knows what should be there & she lets me & all of the other shoppers know about it with her "oooooooh" and her pointing, squealing & lunging out of the side of the basket. Central Market had such a great selection of samples tonight, I actually considered making dinner out of it. But I couldn't do it... she is a "first" child afterall... when I am out shopping with a "second" or "third" child, I might give em a plate & tell em to load up. Just not yet. Anyway, here are two videos of Abby telling the lady who had just served her a Hatch chile meatball that she was ready for the second course. And, yes, I am admittedly the "first time" dorky Mom taking videos of my child right in the middle of the very busy after-work rush hour through the meat market.


  1. Abby eating that slice of watermelon in Costco was priceless. She did attract a lot of attention because she was enjoying it so much! So cute!

  2. Just remember - when she is choking on a sample from HEB - she might actually be choking and not being her typical drama queen self. All hypothetical, of course.

  3. Is there a personal story behind your comment, Aunt Pookendike?

  4. KIM! That cracks me up. haha! Love this post. cute idea. And, I love that you caught it on tape!

  5. Haha, what makes you think that?? I was a bit of a drama queen and maybe somewhat like the boy who cried wolf a few times :) My poor mother.
